Bird Pests

General Information
Birds are a subgroup of reptiles that are the last living examples of dinosaurs. They are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterised by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5 cm bee hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ft) ostrich. Birds are the closest living relatives of crocodilians.
A birds life begins within an egg. A special hard structure called the egg tooth forms on the baby birds beak to help it break the egg shell. This special tooth drops off a few days later. A baby bird that has just hatched is called a hatchling. While the hatchling is growing in the nest and being fed by its parents we call it a nestling. When a nestling grows its flight feathers and is ready to leave the nest it takes its first flight or fledges. We call a bird that has just fledged a fledgling. A fledgling has fluffy down feathers and is often fed by its parents for several weeks more. Its flight feathers continue to grow and its wing muscles get stronger. When a fledgling or juvenile has finished growing it becomes a mature or adult bird. An adult bird attracts a mate, builds a nest and raises young to start the cycle all over again. Some birds migrate or travel long distances as part of their life cycle. Other birds stay in one area throughout the seasons
Average Lifecycle
A bird’s life begins within an egg. Each chick will have a special hard structure called the egg-tooth which forms on the baby birds beak to help it break the egg shell. This special tooth drops off a few days later. A baby bird that has just hatched is called a hatchling. While the hatchling is growing in the nest and being fed by its parents we call it a nestling. When a nestling grows flight feathers and is ready to leave the nest it takes its first flight or fledges. We call a bird that has just fledged a fledgling. A fledgling has fluffy down feathers and is often fed by its parents for several weeks more. The flight feathers continue to grow and wing muscles get stronger. When a fledgling or juvenile has finished growing it becomes a mature or adult bird. An adult bird attracts a mate, builds a nest and raises young to start the cycle all over again. Some birds migrate or travel long distances as part of their life cycle. Other birds stay in one area throughout the seasons
Quick Facts
Type: Bird
Diet: omnivore
Lifespan: Average UK 2-5 years.
Size: 8.5cm-94cm (Goldcrest-White tailed eagle)
Weight: 4.5g-6.9kg (Goldcrest-White tailed eagle)
Habitat: Shore and sea, Rainforests, Desserts, Wetlands,
Range: Worldwide
Scientific name: Aves
• Health & Safety – there have been cases of people becoming ill after prolonged exposure to dried bird droppings but, not only this, fresh bird droppings can be unsightly and slippery underfoot.
• Blue Tits and Great Tits closely link their breeding with the emergence of caterpillars – great food for growing chicks.
• Parent birds deliver more than 10,000 to their young.
• In winter, tiny birds like wrens sleep together at night for warmth.
• Almost 9 million birds were counted as part of the 2004 RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch – that’s more than the combined human population of Scotland and Wales!
• Birds become a nuisance when they invade a property or surrounding space
• Birds are normally welcome in gardens and woodlands across the UK but, like all other animals, birds and insects can have unpleasant effects should their numbers swell.
• Oldest wild bird recorded was 66 years of age and was a Laysan albatross named Wisdom.
• Robins sometimes feed the chicks of other birds – they can’t resist a hungry chick
Working closely together with you the client, as well as following our instructions we will rid you of these pests
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