PestGone Environmental

Pest Control For Construction Sites

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Keeping your Site Pest Free

Construction sites are seen as a potential risk area for workers at the best of times so having pests roaming free, contaminating PPE and other equipment is the last thing needed. Hygiene in eating areas is paramount as pest infestations can cause significant problems and potential illness of engineers and crew. If health inspectors find severe evidence of pest activity then the site could potentially be shut down. This will then eat into the tight time frames, resulting in the loss of monies and reputation.

PestGone Environmental can discreetly and effectively overcome all pest issues that you encounter on your site, as well as advise on how to prevent further occurrences. Whether it be a one off treatment or a long term pest control maintenance programme, know we’ll get the job done. We will show discretion by working out of hours where required, well away from staff and sub contractors to avoid getting in the way.

PestGone look after a number of construction firms across London and we aim to get the best results when working with you, putting in the right pest control programme.

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Common Pests in Building site

The most common pest related issues in construction is drainage. We all know that most of the rats live in the sewers, so when new builds, or complete renovations take place, sewer lines are opened which allows rats an easy exit and entry onto your site.

Open food and litter left in the designated eating areas will attract rodents such as mice, rats and squirrels. Sweet liquids, such as jams or honey will entice a number of crawling and flying insects also.

Another potential source of pest control worries is workers unknowingly transferring pests from home – fleas and bedbugs can travel in tool bags which could then infest a newly renovated property resulting in a companies reputation being affected.

Dealing with Pests in Construction

If an infestation occurs on site then know PestGone Environmental offer a rapid, free consultation. PestGone are run and managed by former Royal Engineers who have carried out countless construction tasks worldwide, so we know exactly how important it is to gain control of the problem and deal with it. We will give options on how to resolve the issue at hand and be as discreet as possible in the process. We will do our best so that the running of the site is not affected, however if it is, then it will be resumed to normal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We’ll work closely with you to keep disturbance to a minimum – coming in early or late to avoid coming into contact with workers or sub contractors, to witness any pests and their removal.

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Why Choose Us?

Fully Insured

All of our Pest Control technicians are fully insured, so you can trust us to provide you with a safe, reliable and efficient service. With years of experience in the industry, we have developed a reputation for professionalism and quality workmanship.


All of our Pest Control technicians are highly qualified to RSPH Level 2 in Pest Management. This means that we understand how serious a pest problem can be to you and your family’s health if not treated correctly.


All of our pest control services come with a minimum of a 3 month guarantee giving you peace of mind for the future. Call us today to book an appointment with one of our experienced technicians at a time that best suits you.

Call us for your Pest Control needs on 0208 914 8285 or Contact us here

We provide Pest Control Services in West London, SW London, NW London, SE London & Kent